LUBACIN A-TR-N Disinfectant for the treatment of Legionella

The LUBACIN A-TR-N to treat Legionella is a bactericide and biocide especially formulated to eliminate legionella from cooling towers.

This disinfectant to treat Legionella disinfects water and complies with trial conditions at 30 ºC against Legionella pneumophila serogroup, yeast extract interfering substance at .01 % for 15 hours (maintenance) and at a concentration of .1 % for 60 minutes (shock).

It removes the layer of microorganisms that generates in the walls of the circuit.

Bactericidal activity: The product complies with Standard UNE-EN 13623 and is effective against Legionella pneumophila diluted in water at 0.001% at 15 hours and diluted in water to 0.01% at 60 minutes.


  • For this product to be most effective, it is necessary to clean and remove lime and rust deposits with DEFORT DDA-20. Then begin the disinfection treatment with LUBACIN A-TR-N, applying it in the water of the circuit by metering pump.
  • Shock dose: Add 0.1 liters of product per 1000 liters of water and recirculate for at least one hour. To prevent the proliferation of microorganisms, add 0.1 liters of product per 1000 liters of fresh water to the system.
  • Maintenance dose: If there is no water supply, add 0.5 liters of product per 10,000 liters of water per week, so that the circuit has approximately 10 ppm of active material.
  • This product is incompatible with organic matter, anionic compounds, ammoniacal derivatives and hypochlorite, with chromium, lead, aluminum, tin, zinc and their alloys
  • Professional use only.
  • Authorised to treat Legionella. Registry number: 21-100-06820
Download Data Sheet
  • 20 L
  • 10 L

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