NETTION FAX floor cleaner and shine

The NETTION FAX floor cleaner and shine is a perfumed cleaner that cleans and shines any surface in one swipe. It is, therefore, ideal for every sector of professional hygiene, like hotels, restaurants, shops, airports...

This floor cleaner and shine is specially efficient on hard or synthetic floors, like linoleum.


  • Like any normal all-purpose cleaner, it is used dissolved on water depending on the level of dirt.
  • The normal dose is 1% (10 gr/lt of water).
  • Apply with a mop and the shine will appear.
  • To get a stronger shine, rub the floor once dried with a cleaning cloth or dust mop, or using a rotary floor machine with a white disc.
Download Data Sheet
  • 5 L
  • 1 L
  • 10 L

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