Eliminates Listeria monocytogenes

If in your business you prepare and sell food, you should take extra care when cleaning work surfaces and tools used to prepare it, to eliminate a dangerous bacteria: Listeria monocytogenes. Bacteria and viruses are very strong and if you don’ use the right products with the HA registers, dangerous microorganisms as Listeria monocytogenes may contaminate food in your bussines. The Salmonella typhimurium or E. coli bacteria are the best

Your bussiness free of allergy

There is one very important thing to consider in our business and in which almost never think: allergies of our customers. Allergies and allergens (substances that cause it) are very annoying to those who suffer and we must avoid these unpleasant sensations in our work place, such as schools,hospitals, hotels. catering, restaurants. For an allergic to dust mites or pollen (very common allergy) it’s very unpleasant to enter a restaurant, sleep in

Objects with more bacteria

Hygiene in any business, especially in communities such as restaurants, schools, hospitals, etc., is absolutely essential to ensure the health of our employees and customers. It is therefore very important to know objects with more bacteria. Nevertheless, many businesses don’t take it into account, and several studies have revealed some of the objects with more bacteria we can find in a business: Remote controls. Hands produce more than 250,000

Perfect dishes by hand/machine wash

The tableware is fundamental to hotel businesses such as restaurants, catering, bars, hotels, schools, hospitals and all kind of communities. Image or hygiene is very important ttaht tableware look clean, neat and in perfect condition. Tips for manual dishwashing To clean the dishes, you should use an effective hand dishwashing to remove grease and dirt. If you also want handcare, you can use a dermo-moisturizer hand dishwashing that protects your skin. If you are especially concerned with

How to wash at the best price in industrial laundry?

Use the best products for industrial hygiene in the process of washing any garment or textile is critical if we need to get good results in industrial laundry. EUROSANEX has created three new liquid laundry perfect for any industrial laundry located in businesses, hospitals, schools, hotels, etc. that combined, get the best results. Detersol Tede:

Economize with your foam dispenser

In a business, and more in times of crisis, it is very important to save costs and optimize everything possible to monetize our business. Water is an increasingly resource, especially in places with high traffic and where the industrial hygiene becomes fundamental, such as hospitals, restaurants, schools,kitchens, shopping centers, etc.. But also to save water is also a commitment to theenvironment, because it is a scarce resource which should be

Dust vacuum cleaners …And liquid!

In any catering business or public spaces such as hospitals, schools or groups of any kind, cleaning must be impeccable. And it is more practical to use powerful vacuums, practical and effective, but sometimes you need to use dust vacuum cleaners and liquid. But when professional cleaning becomes a challenge to the disaster, as in

Hydroalcoholic gel against flu

With the arrival of autumn and the first cold, infections, colds, flu and other common, mild illness, but very annoying are very common. And one of the best ways to protect yourself is to use hydroalcoholic gel against flu. These infections impair productivity of workers, causing many casualties, so it is highly recommended to take all

How safe is cosmetic?

In recent days, Spain has sparked a major public concern because the safety of some cosmetics and their ingredients. We must therefore ask ourselves how safe is cosmetic? But the fact is that, according to head coach EUROSANEX Joaquin Jimenez, such news about whether all cosmetics are safe generate more social alarm than real danger.

How to remove Legionella?

Legionella is a dangerous bacteria that lives, among others, into distribution of hot water, cooling towers, condensers, taps, rivers or ponds. And it is very important to know how to remove legionella in our business. This bacterium is only dangerous when it is sprayed through the cooling pipes, inhaled she reaches our lungs. We must therefore take special care with water sprays from

How to remove stains of the clothes

Delete determinate stains, well was home, in drycleaners or in industrial laundry, always is a process complicated that, if it does not llevar  properly, can do that the stain continue in the pieces, sábanas or towels during too much time. Thus it is very important to know how to remove stains of the clothes. For

How to place cellulose coil in the dispenser?

It seems simple, but… Many times, we do not place well the cellulose coil in the dispenser and the system no longer finishes to work properly until it finishes the paper. Because we think constantly in all our customers, EUROSANEX offers you a simple tutorial so that you can optimise to the maximum the cellulose

How to measure water hardness?

Eurosanex solves all the questions you have about ourchemicals products for professional hygiene on video format, more visual, concrete and practical. To find out which products are better suited for yourhotelary and catering business, such as hospitals,catering, restaurants, etc.. you must know the water hardness in your area. If you’ve doubts, use the EUROSANEX test kit for water hardness.