How to fight unpleasant odours in toilets?


In any kind of business but especially in the catering business, there is a doubt about professional hygiene that repeats itself over and over again, especially with old buildings: How to eliminate bad odours from toilets? Bad odours in toilets not almalos olores en los aseos / upleasant odours in toiletsways indicate a deficient hygiene, although users and consumers associate it with that.

Thus, according to a Dutch press report, bad odour in Spanish toilets is a very important reason for complaining by the users (83% of the complaints), one step ahead of dirtiness (73%). Moreover, 69% of the users consulted state that toilets in bad conditions create mistrust related to the quality of the service and damage the image of the company.

Comments such as “a really unpleasant odour” on some bathroom are very harmful for the image of a company and ruin the effort, resources and money invested to clean the venue.

The same research supports the contrary statement: a pleasant odour in a toilet (although it is not completely cleaned) firms up the company´s image, enhances the feeling of well-being, the comfort and consumers’ safety.

Generally, unpleasant odours are caused by the growth of bacteria that emerge because of the dirt that was not removed.


Products to fight unpleasant odours in toilets

Disinfectant cleaners: Disinfectant cleaners remove bacteria as well as dirt, this is why they are highly effective against bad odours. The best way is to use a disinfectant cleaner with all the registers in order just like the pesticide NETTION CL or one for environmental use NETTION MC.

Enzymatic deodorants: To remove residual organic matter that cause bad odours in inaccessible areas (like cracks) LUBACIN BIO-L is very effective as it eliminates soil residues and perfumes at the same time.

Air-fresheners: The air-fresheners specially indicated for bathrooms are also highly effective against unpleasant odours, as just with a small amount of it the bathroom will remained scented for a long time. As well as SANIOLEX MANZANA, SANIOLEX TWIN and SANIOLEX SP will help to get the bathroom well perfumed.

-If the problem is already located in the pipes, it will be necessary a product that attacks the problem from its root. Thus, when the pipes do not have the right inclination the solid wastes get accumulated and rotten causing the bad odours. To avoid this it is necessary a bacterial treatment with LUBACIN BIO-S. This product is made with bacteria strains which are created to remove all organic waste and turn them into liquid and air. Besides, the origin of the unpleasant odour is also eliminated.

  • When using these products, it is important not to mix disinfectants with bacteria base products, as these products might eliminate the beneficial bacteria which contributes the second product with.