How to wash at the best price in industrial laundry?


Use the best products for industrial hygiene in the process of washing any garment or textile is critical if we need to get good results in industrial laundry.

EUROSANEX has created three new liquid laundry perfect for any industrial laundry located in businesses, hospitals, schools, hotels, etc. that combined, get the best results.

  • Detersol Tede: This reinforces moisturizer and stainremover wash and prewash processes. Suitable for heavily soiled or stained, also exerts a degreasing effect that works even with cold or hard water.
  • Detersol AC: It is used in combination with productsDetersol Tede or Detersol Comte. This professional cleaner is especially useful in water washing processes low to medium hardness. Thanks to its alkalineingredients removes all dirt, stains and organic waste. Prevents graying of fabrics and inlay.
  • Detersol Comte: Component surfactant perfect for washing all types of fabrics with the best results, also with hard water or cold. With optical brightenersleave clean clothes, with a discreet perfume, perfect color and soft touch. Used in combination with the alkaline components Detersol Basic or Detersol AC.

The perfect trio to wash your clothes in industrial laundry with the best professional detergents.