How to remove stains of the clothes


Delete determinate stains, well was home, in drycleaners or in industrial laundry, always is a process complicated that, if it does not llevar  properly, can do that the stain continue in the pieces, sábanas or towels during too much time. Thus it is very important to know how to remove stains of the clothes.

For this is fundamental that use a suitable soap or an effective industrial detergent so that we can remove all type of stains without any problem.

The process of wash is complex, thus we will take into account the type of stain to modify appearances like the prewash, the bleaching/washed, softened and spin. In the process of wash influence different factors like the temperature, the chemists, the time and the mechanics (frictions or rozamientos of the clothes against the drum of the washing machine). When it reduces  one of them, it is necessary to compensate the process increasing any of the other.

To know how to remove stains of the clothes is very important to take into account the type of fibre that go to wash, as it is not the same wash cotton or synthetic fibres, as well as the type of clothes, like lingerie, clothes of bed, mantelerías, etc. In general, so much the fibre like the cotton have a good resistance to the high temperatures (90º), but is recommended to wash to 90º the cotton and between 40 and 60º the mixes.

For the very difficult stains, is important to use blanqueantes, chlorine or bleach, that delete the remaining dirt, the stains of pigments, and traditionally have used  also like disinfectant.

How to remove stains of the clothes…?

  • How to clean stains of sweat: The stains of sweat are not soluble in water, therefore it will not be necessary to leave them in soak but yes wash them with prewash. It is better to use a detergent perfumed, to delete the bad smells, and adapted to the hardness of the water of each zone, as well as to the degree of dirt of the clothes, like a detergent enzimátic.
  • How to clean stains of grease: The stains of grease neither are soluble in water, therefore it does not serve for nothing put the pieces in soak. It is better to wash the clothes with prewash and with industrial detergent antimanchas that adapt  to the different degrees of dirt and hardness of the water. We recommend especially the Detersol Basic. If it was necessary, add also blanqueante.
  • How to clean stains of blood: The stains of blood are soluble in water, thus put the pieces in soak in warm or cold water can be a great help, also program a prewash.  As always, it is fundamental to use an industrial detergent stain remover that adapt  to the distinct degrees of hardness of the water and dirt. We recommend to use the Detersol Viep.
  • How to clean stains of faeces and urine: they Are organic stains and clean  like the ones of blood. First it recommends  withdraw the possible rests with cold water and leave in soak or program the prewash. To continuation, wash usually with enzymatic detergents like Detersol Viep or Bio, and use bleach like Detersol Blancor or Colour.
  • How to clean stains of coffee, tea, medicines, wine, juices…: This type of stains delete  in the phases of wash and bleaching. Thus, it is necessary to wash them usually and add a blanqueante for the final phases. We recommend Detersol Blancor, Detersol Viep and Detersol Basic.